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Carol Hirshfield, PhD is a Psychologist licensed in the State of California (PSY 16827) and State of Washington (PY60909142). She maintains a practice in Los Angeles, CA and in Seattle, WA. She also provides psychological services via telehealth which are HIPAA compliant.
She has had decades of experience with special expertise in child development, children and adults with special needs, parenting, co-parenting and high conflict divorce. Dr. Hirshfield has provided services for children and families who have special needs, such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other developmental disorders. She has developed and implemented social skills groups for children and teens, developed and taught co-parenting courses, parenting centers and residential programs.
Dr Hirshfield has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in child development, family systems therapy and couples’ therapy. She has been involved in many custody mediations, collaborative divorces (as a Child specialist and Divorce Coach), and has trained many collaborative divorce professionals.